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This is the kinemaster video editing mode or screen, I gave the number to the object which will help me to describe that object functions and feature easily, the image below is a kinemaster video editing screen image.
In the above image, you will see some numbers, whose names are as follows
- Undo
- Redo
- Export and Share
- Kinemaster Project Settings
- Layer Adjustments
- quick Forward-backward
- Kinemaster asset store
- Layer
- Media
- Audio
- Voice
- Play
- Back
I will describe all the mark object on the above image, and tell you its features and uses.
1. Undo
Everyone knows what is Undo and its uses, In the kinemaster app, if you do something mistakenly then these features help you to take your move back.
2. Redo
Redo is useful when you move back your action with undo, in the simple word you can reverse Undo move with Redo feature.
This option is for Exporting your video project, once you finish your video editing then you can use this option is for saving your video in the gallery of your phone
4. Kinemaster Project Settings
When you click on this option then you will see some other options like Audio, Video, Editing.
You can adjust audio fade-in timing with this option, and if you don’t want an audio fade feature then there is an option to enable and disable it you can select anyone from both the option.
This is same as the above point, with this option you can adjust fade in and fade out the timing of videos
In this setting option, you can adjust the default timing of Photo and layers, that means if you select 6.0-second timing for a default photo duration then when you add a photo during video editing it will be appearing for 6.0-second and this will be same for the default layer option. In this setting option, you can also adjust the default photo cropping, your image will appear in the video by default cropping size which you selected in this setting option.
5. Layer Adjustments
This setting option is very useful when you add multiple layers to your video, because when we add multiple layers then it’s getting hard to re-editing that layer because we can’t recognize a particular layer quickly. when we click on this setting option then this only shows us all the layers and then it gets easy for us to select a particular layer.
6. Quick Forward-backward
This setting option will help us when we have to go to the end of the video and come back to the beginning of the video. that means when we click on it then we go to the end of the video and when we again click on it then we again come back to the beginning of the video.
7. Kinemaster asset store
when you click on it then it opens the kinemaster assets store, you can download things like effects, overlay, music, text, from here.
8. Layer
When you click on the Layer option, you will see some other options like media, effects, overlay, text, handwriting, you have to click on the things which you want to add to your video as a layer, for example, If you want to add the image as a layer, then select the media option and select the text if you want to add some text in the form of a layer
If you want to an add image or video as a layer then you can add this from here.
If you want some effects in your video then you can add effects from here, in kinemaster, there are basic effects already install in it but if you want to more effects then there is download option also available click on it and it will redirect to the kinemaster assets store and you can download effects from there
If you want to add some stickers in your video as a layer then you can add this from here, there are some classic stickers already available here like a ball, face, hair, heart and lot more and if you want more then you can easily download it from the kinemaster asset store.
If you want to add some text to your video then you can add this from here.
If you want to draw something with your hand then this feature will help you, you can draw, write anything with your own handwriting here
9. Media
When you open a kinemaster app and start a video editing then firstly you need to add some media file which you want to edit in kinemaster this media file will be an image or video and sometimes both, in the simple word you can add video from this option which you want to edit.
10. Audio
We can add different audio to the video from this set feature option, for example, if we want to custom audio for video then we can add an audio file from this option
11. Voice
If we need our own voice in the video then we can directly record it with this option.
12. Play
with this option, we can play a video which we are editing.
13. Back
When we click on the back option, then we go back to the main interface of the kinemaster app.