whatsapp status video

whatsapp status video

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Hello, friends welcome to a new article of mobile tips today I will tell you how to download WhatsApp status video free and without any additional application.and also I recommend you some apps and websites which help you for the making your own WhatsApp status video. so read the article till the end.

firstly I will tell you how to download the latest new WhatsApp status video free, just follow below steps to download WhatsApp status video.

steps to follow for downloading WhatsApp status video

1 open youtube app and search for the WhatsApp status which you want, on youtube there are lots of channels who making lovely WhatsApp status video.

if you want my suggestion then I recommend you some WhatsApp status channel names whos making love WhatsApp status and their subscriber base is also very big.

WhatsApp status video youtube channel names

  • md saddaf youtube channel – subscribers on youtube +730K, but on this channel, you will only get lyrical WhatsApp status video

  • WhatsApp status video youtube channel  – subscriber on youtube +500k, you will get all types of WhatsApp status there.

  • Ajendra Creation youtube channel – subscriber on youtube +500k, you will get all types of WhatsApp status there.

  • Deep love youtube channel (my favorite) – subscriber on youtube +160K, you will get animated lovely WhatsApp status there, I personally love this WhatsApp status channel.

  • Rahul Aashiqui Wala youtube channel – subscriber on youtube 194k+, you will only set Shayari WhatsApp status there, but trust me this is the best WhatsApp status channel and one of my favorites also.

and there is also lots of status channel available whos making amazingly superb WhatsApp status video, go on youtube and check it.

3 when you find WhatsApp status video which you exactly want, then click on the share button and copy that video links.

4 once you copy the link open your chrome browser past this link in the search box and add ss before youtube word like below link

example https://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=cq40DasWN0c

5 once you add ss before youtube word then click on search and then there you will find the option for downloading WhatsApp status video, download your WhatsApp status from there.

there are also lots of apps and websites from where you will able to download WhatsApp status video, but they all use youtube videos they are not making their own videos they copied youtube videos and re-upload it on there websites and apps.

best apps for the making WhatsApp status  video

1. KineMaster – Pro Video Editor. (click here to kinemaster tutorials)

2. PowerDirector.

3. Quik – this app is used for making full-screen WhatsApp status video.

4. PhotoGrid – this app is also used for making full-screen WhatsApp status video

If you want to learn how to make WhatsApp status video then go on youtube and search for how to make WhatsApp status, there is lots of youtube channel which teach you how to make WhatsApp status video.

if you want to make animated WhatsApp status video and you are searching for stickers for making WhatsApp status video then I suggest you one website which provides png type animated stickers. ( https://chatsticker.com/) this is a website from where you can download stickers for your WhatsApp status video. but these websites use line app stickers and if you want then you can download stickers directly from line app also.

if you are trying to download stickers from line app and you will get any problem then comment down below I will definitely try to solve your issue

Thank you !